
The Role of a Periodontist in Maintaining Your Oral Health

Are you tired of dealing with bleeding gums, bad breath, and other symptoms of gum disease? If so, it is time to learn about the important role that a periodontist can play in maintaining your oral health. As a specialist in treating and preventing gum disease, a periodontist has the skills and expertise needed to help you keep your gums healthy and your smile looking great. So, whether you are dealing with an existing gum problem or want to prevent one from developing, The Woodlands periodontist can provide the guidance and care you need to achieve your goals.

Here are some of the ways a periodontist can help maintain oral health:

Preventing gum disease

One of the primary roles of a periodontist is to help you prevent gum disease from developing in the first place. Through regular check-ups and cleanings, a periodontist can detect and address any signs of gum disease early on before they can progress into more serious problems.

Scaling and root planning

If you develop gum disease, a periodontist can provide advanced treatments to help you get it under control. One such treatment is scaling and root planing, which involves removing plaque and tartar from below the gum line and smoothing rough spots on the tooth roots.

Gum grafting

Gum grafting can restore lost gum tissue. Various factors, including gum disease, aggressive brushing, and genetics, can cause gum recession. When gums recede, the roots of the teeth can become exposed, which can lead to sensitivity, decay, and even tooth loss. Gum grafting can help to prevent these problems and restore a healthy, attractive smile.

Dental implants

If you have lost teeth due to gum disease or other factors, a periodontist can provide dental implant treatment to replace them. Dental implants are a highly effective and long-lasting solution for missing teeth and can help to prevent further bone loss and gum recession. They are small, titanium posts surgically placed into the jawbone, serving as a sturdy anchor for a replacement tooth or crown.

Education and guidance

Finally, a periodontist can provide valuable education and guidance on maintaining optimal oral health. They can also give information on healthy eating habits and advice on managing conditions like dry mouth or bad breath.

Here are some of the dental procedures that a periodontist can handle:

  • Gum disease treatment: Periodontists are experts in the treatment of gum disease, which is a common condition caused by bacteria that infect and inflame the gums.
  • Bone grafting: If you don’t have enough bone in your jaw to support a dental implant, a periodontist can perform a bone graft to help build up the bone tissue. This can increase the success rate of dental implant surgery and ensure that the implant is stable and long-lasting.
  • Crown lengthening: If you have a “gummy” smile or your teeth appear too short, a periodontist can perform crown lengthening to remove excess gum tissue and expose more of the tooth structure. This can improve the aesthetics of your smile and make it easier to place restorations like crowns or veneers.

By working closely with Scott Young, DDS, you can actively maintain oral health and enjoy a beautiful, healthy smile for years.

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