
Effective Ways of Treating Dental Pain

Dental or tooth pain can develop when the nerves of your tooth or surrounding tissues become inflamed or irritated. Injuries, decay, fractured teeth, and infected gums can cause dental pain. Common tooth pain symptoms include swelling around the tooth, fever, headache, bad odor, and jaw pain. Tooth pain varies in each individual, ranging from mild to severe. Sometimes dental pain from mild injuries can be alleviated with home remedies. If your pain persists for more than three days, consult your Compassionate Endodontics dentist. Here are effective ways to treat dental pain.

Pain medications

Over-the-counter pain medicines can help ease dental pain and inflammation. Aspirin, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen are common pain relievers that reduce dental pain. Kids under sixteen years should not use aspirin; instead, use Tylenol. If your dental pain persists for over three days, consult your dentist for evaluation.

Dental filling

Dentists mostly use fillings to cover cavities. Sometimes cavities can be severe, exposing nerves in your tooth and causing severe pain. In such cases, a dental filling can be beneficial. Dental filling involves your dentist drilling around the cavity to eliminate all debris. The dentist then cleans the area and fills the region with a bonding material to restore your tooth and prevent bacteria from getting inside the tooth.

Root canal therapy

Dentists mostly use root canal therapy when your tooth pulp is infected or inflamed. You may require a root canal if you have severe tooth pain while chewing, a cracked tooth, sensitivity to hot or cold, and deep decay. The procedure involves your dentist removing the infection, cleaning the space, and filling the tooth. The dentist then covers the treated tooth with a crown to restore its structure and functioning.

Tooth extraction

Tooth extraction can be useful if you have a severely decayed or infected tooth beyond repair. During a tooth extraction, your dentist numbs the gum surrounding the affected tooth and uses special tools to extract it, including its root. After extraction, your doctor can replace the lost tooth with an implant, denture, or bridge to restore dental function.

Professional dental cleaning

Sometimes food pieces like a popcorn hull can get stuck under the gums, leading to an infection and tooth pain. Your dentist may recommend a professional dental cleaning to clear the debris in such a case. The provider may also perform periodontal therapy. If the debris is causing swelling or fever, the provider may prescribe antibiotics.

Calcified root canal therapy

A calcified root canal happens when calcium deposits form inside your tooth in the root canal. The root canal consists of a soft material called the pulp that causes severe tooth pain when inflamed or infected. Calcium deposits make the root canal narrow and shrink. During calcified root canal therapy, your endodontist removes and replaces the damaged pulp with gutta-percha, a biocompatible material.

Dental pain can develop when the nerves of your tooth or surrounding tissues become irritated. Depending on the cause of your dental pain, your dentist can treat dental pain through medications, root canal therapy, fillings, tooth extraction, professional teeth cleaning, or calcified root canal therapy. Schedule an appointment at Compassionate Endodontics for dental pain treatment to save your tooth. 

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